Without a doubt, skip bins are the way to clean up, clean out, and remove all of the old, unused items just lying around the house. They are a way to clear away all home project remnants and scraps, a way to remove all yard and garden debris, and a way to spruce up the eye appeal of your home.

Skip bins eliminate the need to bag and box up items that need to be taken to a landfill or recycle centre in your vehicle. That benefit alone saves you time and money.

While most disposable items can go into specific sized bins, other objects needed to be handled separately for safety purposes. Any item that cannot go into one of our bins can be placed on the ground next to the bin and we will help arrange for disposal of those objects. We are available for skip bin delivery and removal 7 days a week at a time to fit within your schedule.

If you have any questions about what items you have that need special handling, call Backyard Bins, (08) 9437 3733, and talk with one of our friendly, professional skip bin specialists.

backyard bins with tyres in it

Many of us will have tyres to dispose of at one point or another. However, it is vital to understand how to remove the tyres from your property safely and legally. In the correct hands, tyres can be recycled and regain usefulness. 

Rydall, owner of Backyard Bins

Skip bin prices vary based on the size of the bin as well as the type of waste and debris the bin can safely hold. If you need a general light waste bin, prices range from $200 for a 2m3 bin to $700 for a 12m3 bin. The prices for a mixed waste bin start

Yellow skip binned, place outside front yard full of waste from home renovation

Clear-outs, renovations, and demolitions are just some activities that require a skip bin hire. Skip bins allow for efficient waste disposal. However, just like everything else, skips must be used responsibly. That includes avoiding overfilling a skip bin, which should not be difficult if you read this blog.

Dangerously overloaded red skip bin.

If you plan to get rid of large volumes of waste or rubbish, hiring a skip bin might be the best option. Any individual can take advantage of skip bins to remove any waste, including the business owners, homeowners, renovators, and builders.

skip filled with solid household waste

Skip bins provide plenty of benefits to everyone, including home and business owners. But there’s typically a vast difference between these two groups. Those from the commercial sector are required to follow strict health and safety guidelines, which also concern their use of skip bins. On the other hand, residents, in general, are not subjected

Why choose Backyard Bins?

Waste disposal is a serious matter. It is important for you, the community, and the environment. Therefore, it should be done properly and considerately. Choosing a skip hire company requires you to do your research. There is a heap load of skip bin providers that you can see just with a quick Google search. Most

Green skip bin
Often, a lot more than regular rubbish that needs to be removed from your home, business, or construction site. It is for those times that renting a skip bin from Backyard Bins is the solution to your problem. With skip bins that range from 2 cubic metres all the way up to 12 cubic metres,
5 things to do
When you hire a skip bin, you pay according to size.  That means it's in your best interest to get rid of all the waste you can via alternative methods first, saving the skip for rubbish you really can't dispose of any other way. On top of that, some items can't be thrown in skips, so you'll
8 ways to save
If you're renovating your home, doing some serious de-cluttering, or landscaping your garden, you can save yourself lots of time and hassle by using the services of a local Perth-based skip bin hire company to collect and dispose of your rubbish for you. So, how do you make sure that you get the best value
Hired skip bin being delivered to back yard.

Updated 01 November 2022 As you plan for an upcoming landscaping project or household renovation, you’ll need a skip bin to handle the waste. But as the start date of your project comes up, you may not know where to put the bin during use. The exact placement of your skip bin depends on a